Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Game On!

So I've been trying to get back in shape and get re-motivated and all that good stuff; well last night i think I took some great steps in getting there. For the next 89 days I'll be doing P90X while trying to prepare for a number of races as well. The P90X pretty much kicked my butt and I'm already really really sore 12 hours after the fact...not really looking forward to today's workout. I am really excited to see the results though and lose some weight and have to carry less during my races.
Speaking of races I'm thinking about doing 6 races this season. Last year I only got in 3 but it being my first year I think that was okay. I did the Stansberry Sprint, the Spudman, and the Telos Turkey Sprint. If you remember I also managed to get hurt last year and that really kind of screwed up my training. I'm hoping that P90X will get me strong enough and help me avoid injury this year. So the races that I'm thinking about doing are the Lake to Lake 50 mile relay run, Telos Timp Sprint, Cache Valley Classic Tri, Echo Tri, Spudman, Lotoja (bike race), and maybe the Provo Tri to replace anything if missed or in place of the Echo . I'm already registered for the Spudman but its a lottery so I'll have to wait and see, and I already have a team for the Lake to Lake relay.
Lake To Lake
Running through St. George I'll be doing a 50 mile running race with Janna, Blake and Aubree Vogt, and Brady Thomas. We all have 2 legs, each leg averaging about 5 miles. Race day is March 6th and I'm not going to be in peak shape yet. I know I can run 5 miles no problem but its going to be slow and I'm going to be dead after my second run. We just barely got our team together and are registering within the next couple of days, we're just gathering money now.
So there is my season outlook so far, good chance some of it will change...Lotoja is no walk in the park, I'll need to be ready to actually consider it but now I've got some serious motivation and races to actually train for...wish me luck.


Laurie said...

Good luck. I've heard that workout program is pretty intense but with great results. The relay sounds fun. It might kill you a bit but should be worth it. I still want to do H2C next year so hopefully you can keep that on your radar too.

Tom North said...

Oh definitely want to do hood to coast next year! That's like number one on my list of things to do!

Dick said...

P90x will definitely get you in shape, if you don't die first! I think that's what Jeff was doing in his quest to be the next Arnold Schwarzenegger. I'm still hoping to be included on the Hood to Coast team...as long as my knees still work please count me in.

Good luck with your races. I hope you can fit them in with your work and school schedule.