Friday, May 8, 2009

Just 2 Miles to Go

Last Friday I ran further than I have ever ran and went 9.4 miles, after doing so my ankle was kind of jacked up and I decided to take a few days off to recover; by doing this however I lost some of my drive for running. Three days passed and I finally motivated myself, against my will, to get out and run on Tuesday, I went 3.9 miles and the run hurt the whole way. The next day I decided to do the same run and it seemed to go a little better. Yesterday I came to the conclusion that I needed to stop pampering myself because I only have a little over 2 weeks until my sprint tri so I decided to go for a 5.9 mile run that I've done a bunch of times. I headed out at a decent pace and decided to run the easy way, hitting up all the hills first leaving me a relatively flat 3 mile finish. The run was going well and I was actually feeling pretty loose, the sun was out and there was a cool breeze to keep me from getting too hot, in short it was a great day for running. When I had almost reached mile 4 I realized that there seemed to be some road construction up ahead. I wasn't too worried because from past experience I figured I could just run through the construction zone and no one would care; turns out though that they had totally closed the road! Once I got up to where they had closed the road off I was stopped by some construction dude who seriously looked like he thought he was a body guard for someone special. I asked him if I could just run through to the other side (200 yards away) really quickly as I was almost done with my run. He apologized and explained that due to the dangerous machinery I wouldn't be able to pass and would have to find another way. "Dangerous Machinery", ie: 1 dump truck, a front end loader, a couple pick-up trucks, and a bunch of guys standing around doing nothing.
I thought I could possible woo him with my amazing convincing skills and explaining that if I were to just run back the way I'd come it would end up being an 8 mile killer hill run and that if he let me go through I'd be careful and be done in with my run in a matter of minutes, just two miles to go. He looked at me like he really didn't care, kinda smirked and said, "Wow, 8 miles huh? That would be a pretty decent run then!" The over-weight construction dude obviously wasn't a runner of any kind and I could then tell I was only wasting my time.
I really didn't want to run the hills again because they would have killed me, so I took off down a side street in hopes of finding a way to the other side of the freeway where I needed to be. Yeah the section they had closed off was actually an underpass below the freeway to the only road that led back to my house.
After running down a road that ran parallel with the I-15 I finally found an overpass that crossed the freeway and after making a couple wrong turns down dead end streets I finally made it back to my route and finished the run. I ended up having to run an extra 2.5 miles so instead of my 5.9 mile run I ended up going 8.4 thanks to the fat construction dude, but I guess it all ended up okay. The moral of the story: watch out for road construction! It can totally change your run.

1 comment:

Laurie said...

Wow...that's rough!